How many people are in the plastic view

The 7mx7m stand where he and his wife, Nomsa Tsitsi Mbanje, share a shack is in a fenced 5ha settlement, Plastic View, that is home to an estimated 15,000 people with no access to running water or electricity. Covid-19 social distancing and lockdown regulations are near impossible to adhere to here.

How many people are in the plastic view

The City of Tshwane plans to relocate Plastic View residents, estimated to be almost 3 000, to a new development consisting of low-cost housing.

How many people live in Plastic View?

There are around 800 people living in Plastic View alone. The Plastic View saga began in March 2006, when metro officials, police and a community policing forum allegedly joined an illegal operation to burn down shacks in the settlement, and destroy personal property.

What is the size of Pretoria?

687,5 km²

Pretoria / Area

What is Pretoria known for?

Cultural attractions include the Kruger Museum, the National Cultural History Museum, and an art museum. Pretoria is adorned with large parks, notably the terraced gardens of the Union Buildings, the sunken gardens of Venning Park, municipal nature reserves, and the National Zoological Gardens.

Is Pretoria large or small?

It stretches across approximately 1,644 kilometers. The city itself has a population that exceeds 700,000, and the urban population exceeds 2 million.


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